Thursday, March 23, 2006

Wonder Full ME

I wonder what happened
To those letters and those cards;
Flowing with emotions they were,
They were written from the heart.

I wonder what happened
To that colourful powder, we had put away;
To that pen, to that wallet,
With careful thought they had been picked, for the moment that was to never stay.

I wonder what happened
To those memories we had made;
Holding hands by the sea, we’d vowed this was forever,
I remember grasping for some clarity, as everything began to fade.

I wonder what it is like now
Those drops of affections compel me to ponder;
Ashes or dusted, where does it lie,
A part of me will always yearn to know…
Until then it will only wander.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I Feel

The days have been passing me by,
Studies and work,
Well it all seems to be very slow.

Sometimes I wait for dawn to settle into dusk...
And sometimes it's vice versa.
There are those times too,
When I want time to standstill,
Wait for the moment to pass me completely
So that Ican enjoy every drop of it.

But why does life seem a drag?
I don't exactly yearn for anything,
There is nothing I definitely miss;
But a longing in me,
Calls for something exciting...probably motivating
Something that will make me feel like bliss.

It has been some time now,
That I felt total satisfaction surround me.
I can recollect some experiences
Which have had me smiling all day
Or just feeling 'light' - like a feather.

I wait for this period to end,
I so hope I can 'actually' bid it goodbye;
I will be happier then
Afloat on joy
Capturing the images of hope, surprise and glee!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Four Days
Day One of second semester at college ...everyone was there
My evening at Japalouppe on March 4
Trekking at Rajgad
Drive supposedly to Ambyvalley, actually to Khopoli

Four jobs I’ve had
Citadel, Magna
Maharashtra Herald, Sakal
Pune Guide Book, Elephant Design
Advocate Sarode's office

Four movies I could watch over and over
Jerry Maguire
Sound of Music
Free Willy (1/2/3)

Four places I’ve lived
Warden Court, Mumbai
Nirman Vihar, New Delhi
Manak Vihar, New Delhi
Pride, Pune

Four T.V. shows I like
Bold and Beautiful!!
I DON'T WATCH TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Four places I’ve vacationed:
Palolem, Goa
Japalouppe, Talegaon
Pindari-Kafni, Himalayas
Bogmallo, Goa

Four of my favourite dishes
BBQ steak at Mad House Grill
Cheese and Mushroom Pasta
Curd-rice-lemon pickle

Four sites I visit daily
The Loo
The bed

Four places I'd rather be right now
Dar, Kumaon Himalayas
ACJ, Chennai
Tibet School, Dharamshala
Florida, USA

Four books I’ve read this year
Atlas Shrugged
To Kill a Mockingbird
Kite Runner

Four bloggers I’m going to tag with this

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Colour Me Vibrant...

Another year has gone by...
Holi is back again;
With colours and balloons
And buckets of water
A time I go down memory lane.

I have spent many Holis
With friends old and new;
One thing in common
Is that they are all important
And why i manage to keep in touch, is because they are so few.

There are two times in a year - Diwali and Holi
When i traditionally bond to let them know
That they are special
And i need them to stick around
Even though at times i might bitch at them like a foe

Emotions are such a wrangle,
They tend to get you quite complicated;
You know not now
You not never
How moments overwhelm you and how at times they make you feel elated.

So coming back to this festival of colours,
It was bright and cheerful this year;
The last of these, with my chaddi friends
I spent this time
Curiosity and a slight bit of apprehension, clouds my thoughts of Holi next year!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


The past few evenings have been quite enjoyable. In fact it’s been a long time since I felt this good about my social circle. I have interacted with a three people - A, B and C - who are extremely different from one another, yet have a few things in common when it comes to me. Well I don’t really know whether it is this similarity that get me clicking with them, or is it just the fact I can be myself with them. I have known these people for some time now, but I haven’t exactly kept in touch except for when it is the need of the hour (read: work). Coincidently I know all three through work and the names of all three begin with ‘A’ and to add to all these coincidences, they are all into the wackiest of professions; which of course seem normal when you just ‘hear’ of it, but delve a little deeper and the uncanny side of their choice is obvious.

Anyways I realised that I can let my hair down with these people. We talk about books, their professions, childhood and relationships. My cynicism jumps to the forefront, most of the times and they all end up advising me against adopting ‘such’ an attitude. Probably at such times, my other friends who I regularly hang out with would say - “You are trying to be different, that’s all!” or may be “You are still to see a lot of this world.” But with A, B and C, it’s kind of different, they will always argue it out, or humour me, but finally convince me or atleast leave me debating with myself. Here are some incidences from my times spent with each of them. Going down memory lane (well not exactly!)…

Today I told C not to snap the scissors in air, because it is blindly believed that the person ends up having a fight with those around at that moment. C turned around and asked - “So you believe in superstitions?” - NO; “Ok then you have blind faith?” - NO; and then he continued snapping the scissor - looked up and smiled saying, “My dad keeps doing this all the time, by your theory he should have no friends! I’m not arguing, just trying to make you understand.” And somewhere, though I retorted saying, “I don’t debate things, I can’t verify”, I was convinced and happy at the change of thought, atleast for that while.

There was one time I was arguing with B about men being taken for a ride with certain women. Well the topic of conversation was those ‘women’. They play on both sides of the fence and sometimes make a good looking chauffer of the guy, while at other times make him a punch bag when they need to bitch or basically need to be pampered or require the attention (especially at times of PMS). All B said to me was - “What does the world have to do with a man who knows he is being taken for a ride and still goes for it willingly.” - “Well then why do they crib?” I asked; “Cribbing is natural to every human. Remember what God didn’t add into that glass of life…satisfaction!” B replied in the most placid of tones. And it has been from then on that I feel no sympathy, concern or the need to give advice to such men - so what if he is my brother - he has been bestowed with a brain, thankfully!

With A there has never really been a time when we have spoken about philosophy or any aspect of it or anything even closely related to it. A has this capacity to ‘just listen’. A will ask me about everything in my life - college, trekking, snake park, Japalouppe, my closest friends - and hear me talk incessantly about each of these elements in my life. The other day, when I walked out of A’s house, I realised how much A remembered of my life and the people in it. I have this habit of making passing references to people and events, which at some point I might have described; A actually can go back to earlier narrations only to remind me that ‘s/he listens.’

I always wonder what it would be like, was I to bring all three of these people together. Well, there would be utter chaos. Each would think the other to be mad or immature or basically zonked out of his/her head. At the end of it they would take me aside privately and request me to keep away from the others. In such a background, it seems to be quite an irony as to how well and how similarly I get along with all of these three.

Actually I am glad to have kept things the way they have been for so long with all three. An occasional interaction consisting of random recollections, coffee/tea/juice and tons of satisfaction!